“She was powerful, not because she wasn’t scared, but because she went on so strongly despite the fear.” - Harper Lee
I found this quote in a lovely frame at my local Home Goods on February 1 of this year. Little did I know how much I would need to hold that quote so close to my heart this year. I’ll spare you the details, but this week, I took an incredible leap of faith in myself and started my own nonprofit consulting agency called REBL Co.
I love that my married-name initials are REB (Rachel Elizabeth Bereza), because I’ve always fancied myself a bit of a rebel and like to live on the leading edge. Challenging the status quo brings me an immense amount of joy and thoughtfully designing inventions for change is a total rush. I felt the name was fitting.
I’ve spent a lot of time since crossing paths with this quote contemplating purpose. Finding myself furloughed due to COVID-19 response I was smack dab in the middle of an identity crisis. Who the hell was I if not the C-Suite workaholic I had become? I had to rediscover the hobbies that I so casually exchanged for working hours. I had to re-discover my confidence after feeling oh so “non-essential.” I was suspended in time, vulnerability, insecurity, and discomfort waiting for a return to normal. Normal never came. Purpose was fleeting. Growth and learning became compulsory in order to get back to my once powerful self.
Years ago I did a wonderful webinar on naming your purpose with IDEO. The goal was to develop a purpose statement for yourself that looks like: I exist to _____ in order to _____. I've actually really struggled with figuring out my purpose statement and feel like it’s a bit of a moving target. Some days my purpose looks and feels different from the next. Today, however, I’ll start with some borrowed language…
I exist to go on strongly despite the fear in order to be powerful.
I am so proud of you, you're such an inspiration to all the people that are around you. Thank you for showing me and my girls how to go and reach for our dreams. Anything is possible as long as you set your mind to it.